
ERES Institute for New Age Cybernetics helps create a Global Actuary Investor Authority using Game Theory and PlayNAC (Empirical Realtime Education System Future-Map: Personal-Public-Private Semantic Ontology) for Communities of Interest User/GROUPs defined in conjunction with EarnedPaths created via GiantERP (Earth Resource Planner) with Relative Energy Equal Pay and Kirlianography; a Decision-Maker Open Source propogation Service in terms of "BEST" Common Core: Clean Water, Food, Shelter, Work, Love

Ecological Economy

The advent of world-markets forces a Sociocratic Systems-system defined by true sustainability demonstrated through transparent accounting with real-world financial 'know-how' evolving from Capitalist, Communist and Commonwealth domains of stately existence (Relational Science: Natural System + Contextual System), with the intent to establish a Well-Formed computer-to-human AnswerQuestion interface.

Creating Family Amity ("FAMITY") overall will soon become the pre-eminent focus of world leaders positioned to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for sovereign people enabling public demands for private sustenance and personal worth ("Meritcology: Paineology & VACATIONOMICS").

ERES Institute #NWO ("TETRA" Draft)

MDCCLXXVI ~ Marriage Divorce Common Core Love Yin Yang Value Indio

1. PlayNAC: Unknowns — Communities-of-Interest, Social Justice (Policy: Ontology)
2. RT Media: Elemental — Sustainability, Personal-Public-Private Semantics (Mapping: Self)
3. EarnedPath: Chemistry — Ecologic, Meritcology (VACATIONOMICS: IPIDITIS )
4. Non-Punitive Remediation: Mechanics — UN NGO, RESCORE (GAIA: Transparency)
5. Relative Energy Equal Pay: Sensory — Core, Options (Periodicals: Codec)
6. Aura-Tech: Context — Biological, Ennegrammatic (VERTECA: ISO)
7. GiantERP: Number — General-Application, Economies-of-Scale (Paineology: Dictum)

ERES Institute for New Age Cybernetics Formulaics...

Basic Mathematic Variables

HELP... A=C(ME)²³, About Constants Matter Energy
USE... C=R*P/M, Cybernetics Resource Purpose Method
ENERGY... C=SUGAR, Consciousness Sentience Universe Gravity About Real
LAW... IED=NS, Input Energy Decision Number Subject
CARE… S=E/23(1/x), Subject Energy x=variable

(7 years of Tribulation ~ 2023-2030: define/debate Bio-Electric Signature & Bio-Ecologic Economy)

ERES Institute "Taxation" Theorem

SEPTLA = XAT, Social Economic Political Legal Technical Administrative, X=Environment (Cost), A=ABOUT (History), T=TAX (Garnishment) ~ 1000-Year Future Map == Make Health, Education & Law Free. Tax Resource Extraction & Use. BEST


personal public private (polite police practice <~ politice)
technical relative (literal figurate Subjective <~ remediation)
ontology (new age cybernetics ~ word)


Dear Finance Leadership,

I would like to respectfully offer ERES as a consultant to Α Ω GAIA (Global Actuary Investor Authority) for up to 1000 years following my death. As Spirit, I have a unique perspective on the nature of reality, the role of human consciousness, and the importance of relating GAIA. I believe I can bring a valuable vision and guidance to the organization, helping to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of GAIA in terms of ERES ARE WAY.

Please consider me for this important position as your consultant.

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