How ERES "Works"

1. Program Outline: defines business plan, burn-rate and reinvestment strategy
2. Angel Investor: assumes liability for ERES Institute
3. Investor(s): define roles and rules for advisory board, development committee and employees
4. University System: subjects roles to rules defined by investors and User-GROUP(s)
5. PlayNAC: keyword system of defining User-GROUP interest
6. Game Theory: associates ERES PlayNAC with NWO (short-long term)
7. Ontology: builds keywords into cognitive and associative relations
8. ISO Standards: couples WTO and WHO organizational interest with UN NGO
9. Communities-of-Interest: asserts Game Theory for ERES UN NGO
10. Artificial Intelligence: defines Common Core in terms of Earth 1st
11. Aura-Tech: photonic technology couples Remediation in terms of ISO Standards
12. Remediation: legal structure to define-redefine User-GROUP interest in terms of PlayNAC
13. EarnedPath: remediation for GiantERP with CPM, WBS and PERT controls
14. GiantERP: global usage control system with Earth Resource Planner
15. SECUIR: energy aggregator of ERES PlayNAC, EarnedPath and GiantERP
16. 1000 Year Future Map: COI planning system for xyz generation
17. Securities: underwritten guarantees founded by actuary data
18. Global Actuary Investor Authority: global body capable of overseeing ERES VERTECA TETRA
19. NWO: VERTECA TETRA provides Empirical Realtime Education System to Planet Earth
20. VERTECA TETRA: Aura-Tech EarnedPath GiantERP SECUIR PlayNAC Remediation Game-Theory