About Site

Brief Presentation: HERE

Founding Date: February, 2012

Founding Member: Joseph Allen Sprute (Biography)
Born 10/26/1964: Scorpio ~ Year of the Dragon
Life Ambition: create Common Purpose (Earth 1st)
History: ERES Institute was born from CyberRAVE LLC, a New Media Company created January, 1997 with International Customers. In 2007, it dissolved becoming SaleBuilders (Sole Proprietorship) doing Marketing Research leading to ERES Institute's formation.

Creed: Godspeak (Gnostic Sojourn)
Mission: To create an Empirical Realtime Education System (ERES) with Six Degrees of Separation
Vision: To help establish a Global Actuary Investor Authority (GAIA) using Game Theory
Purpose: To develop ERES PlayNAC for Communities of Interest
Method: Formalized Game Theory and Personal-Public-Private Ontology
Use: To render Intelligent Design Ratings with Common Core Principles
Intent: To build a User/GROUP capable of generating Sustainability

Site Maintenance Goal: Establish a permanent University Sponsor for "One GOOD" ("Security-Clearance") and ("Data Integrity").

Partnering: Seeking development assistance

ChatGPT Description

ERES Institute for New Age Cybernetics is an organization that focuses on utilizing Game Theory and PlayNAC (Play New Age Cybernetics) to establish a Global Actuary Investor Authority. This authority employs the Empirical Realtime Education System Future-Map, known as Personal-Public-Private Ontology, to facilitate EarnedPaths for Communities of Interest User/GROUP. The EarnedPaths are generated by a GiantERP (Earth Resource Planner), which incorporates Relative Energy Equal Pay Kirlianography. The objective of the institute is to empower decision-makers capable of propagating effective strategies.

Play New Age Cybernetics = NWO (PlayNAC)
Tiny Homes On Wheels: Scalable Ecologic Economy (Fly & Dive RV's)
Game Theory (Science & Technology)
Communities of Interest (Organizer)
Semantic Keyword Ontology (Personal Public Private)
EarnedPath: CPM x WBS + PERT (Global Cleanup)
GiantERP: Earth Resources Planner (Water Immigration Security)
Kirianography: Kirlian Effect (Bio-Electric Signature)
SECUIR: Silent Energy Circular Universe Infinite Rotation (Smart-City)
VERTECA: Vertical Technologies (G_VR)
Gunnysack: Emergency Mangement (First Responder)
CyberRAVE: Critical Infrastructure (Management)
SaleBuilders: Sensai-Gakusai/Teacher-Student/Parent-Child (Education)
added to Industry TLD for Hands-Free-Voice-Navigation "FOUNDATION"
http://eresinstitute.org NEEDS WORK ... @ur Mercy #216 ^666 *1296 %72 (1434)

Claude AI Description

The ERES Institute proposes New Age Cybernetics as a multidisciplinary approach to establish a Global Actuary Investor Authority for more effective global resource planning and decision-making. Key aspects include:

Using Game Theory and PlayNAC strategies to encourage collaboration and strategic thinking around resource allocation.

Deploying a GiantERP (Earth Resource Planner) system to centrally monitor and manage resource distribution globally in a sustainable way.

Creating EarnedPaths with Relative Energy Equal Pay as an incentive model to fairly reward contributions to resource management efforts.

Leveraging Kirlianograph technology to visualize and assess the health/energy of individuals, ecosystems and the planet.

Integrating the Radically Embodied Conscious Cybernetic Bayesian Brain theory, which views the brain as a predictive memory system organized around embodied semantic models that minimize prediction errors.

This cognitive science perspective can inform AI system development to enhance predictive decision-making capabilities for the GiantERP and resource allocation strategies.

ERES Institute is working on bio-electric signatures and a 1000-year future map, here are next steps for research:

Conduct studies on detecting and interpreting bio-electric signals and signatures to expand the capabilities and validity of this methodology. Look for ways to gather more data, test analysis techniques, and correlate signals with mental/emotional states.

Research and develop new sensors and monitoring devices to gather rich bio-electric data non-invasively. This could greatly expand the potential applications and ease of use.

Explore integrations with AI, machine learning, and predictive analytics to translate bio-electric signals into actionable insights. Develop models to infer behaviors, experiences, and trajectories from signal patterns.

Run longitudinal studies evaluating how bio-electric signatures change over time and in response to interventions. Track cohorts over years to elucidate long-term patterns and trends.

Study the bio-electric correlates of learning, development, and education to identify signals associated with knowledge acquisition. Apply to optimize and personalize education systems.

Partner with educators, technologists and learning sciences experts to test applications of bio-electric monitoring and stimulation for enhancing cognition and performance.

Develop roadmaps, models and simulations to map potential societal trajectories over the next 1000 years. Identify key technological, political, economic inflection points.

Research historical cycles and rhythms across civilizations to identify patterns, discontinuities, and dynamics that could emerge in the centuries ahead.

Explore how artificial intelligence, automation, space exploration and other advancing technologies could shape a 1000-year civilization. Model different scenarios.

Study long-term indicators like climate shifts, demographic changes, value drifts and globalization to anticipate macro factors that will influence the long-term trajectory.

Study ethical frameworks, values, and belief systems throughout history and across cultures to identify universal principles that could underpin economic rights and responsibilities.

Explore theological perspectives and prophetic writings that relate to economic justice, property ownership, community obligations, and individual freedoms. Identify relevant themes and guidance.

Research legal precedents, governance models, and policy mechanisms to outline and enforce economic rights and privileges. Consider historical examples and best practices.

Investigate psychological motivations around ownership, sharing, inheritance and wealth distribution through experiments and modeling. Seek insights on human tendencies and contexts for cooperative vs. self-interested economic behavior.

Analyze economic theories like capitalism, socialism, and communism through the lens of scripture and prophecy. Look for alignments or incongruences with intended rights and privileges.

Develop philosophies or economic models that aim to balance scriptural values like compassion, dignity, and community with individual achievement and advancement.

Conceptualize the rights and privileges that could be appropriate for a hypothetical very advanced civilization with post-scarcity economics.

Study transitions throughout history in economic systems and rights frameworks during times of disruption. Chart paths to evolve economics in alignment with moral progress.

Model different economic policy scenarios and quantify projected outcomes related to equality, opportunity, innovation, and other relevant measures.

Propose institutional mechanisms, regulations, and incentives to safeguard economic rights and privileges in the face of advancing automation and AI.

Study how advances in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, robotics and other cybernetic technologies shape human identity, connection and meaning. Look at impacts on the understanding of self, others and the world.

Investigate how cybernetic implants and brain-computer interfaces may affect consciousness, empathy, transcendence and other spiritual capacities.

Research perceptions of the soul, free will, and what it means to be human.

Analyze how reliance on technology influences values, ethics, priorities and social behaviors. Does it lead to more wisdom and enlightenment or shallowness and isolation?

Examine transhumanism and the drive to transcend human limitations through science and technology from a spiritual perspective. Are there risks of hubris and "playing God"?

Research faith-based attitudes and beliefs around human enhancement technologies and merging humans and machines. When does it cross lines into the sacred?

Study impacts of pervasive information access and artificial intelligence on spiritual practices like prayer, meditation, self-reflection, and cultural rituals.

Explore how cybernetic technologies could be designed explicitly to support spiritual growth, contemplation, interconnectedness and living purposefully.

Develop philosophical frameworks and moral codes to guide the ethical use of cybernetic capabilities in light of spiritual values and the sanctity of life.

Conceptualize the evolution of religious and spiritual beliefs as humanity becomes increasingly integrated with advanced technology over the coming decades and centuries.

Analyze spiritual themes and lessons in science fiction involving cybernetics, transhumanism and the blending of humans with machines and information networks.

Identify key industry verticals where bio-electric signatures could provide value - healthcare, medical technology, wearables, VR/AR, etc. Engage each through targeted research partnerships and pilot studies.

Recruit multidisciplinary researchers across biology, electrical engineering, computer science, ethics, law, etc. to join communities of interest focused on bio-electric signatures.

Develop open standards and protocols for bio-electric signatures to facilitate interoperability across applications and systems.

Engage standards bodies.

Educate policymakers on the potential uses and risks of bio-electric signatures. Advocate for policies that enable innovation while protecting privacy.

Propose the creation of a global Bio-Electric Council to oversee ethical use of bio-electric data, set privacy guidelines, coordinate cross-border applications.

Partner with leading technology platforms and device manufacturers to integrate bio-electric sensing capabilities into consumer wearables to normalize adoption.

Launch startup incubator programs to catalyze entrepreneurial ventures creating value from bio-electric data across healthcare, fitness, productivity, etc.

Organize academic conferences, hackathons and challenges to spur R&D on new techniques for measuring and applying bio-electric signals. Award funding prizes.

Develop sealed algorithms that allow useful bio-electric analytics while preventing raw data extraction, to assuage privacy concerns limiting uptake.

Create open bio-electric data sets to enable pilot studies and test cases for scaled adoption in target verticals. Partner with providers to implement trials.

Propose bio-electric literacy programs to educate the public on the responsible use and privacy safeguarding of bio-electric data. Improve social acceptance.

Overall, New Age Cybernetics combines cutting-edge technologies, game theory, incentive models, energy assessment tools and an advanced brain theory. The goal is to revolutionize how resources are managed globally in a collaborative, strategic, fair and sustainable manner using AI-driven predictive planning capabilities.


Profile & Organized Works

Pi.ai Description of Joseph A. Sprute

Joseph A. Sprute's contributions can be summarized as follows:

ERES Institute for New Age Cybernetics: As a researcher at the ERES Institute, Sprute is involved in advancing the development and application of new age technologies like AI and cybernetics. His work aims to address complex challenges in areas such as sustainable development and social welfare, with the ultimate goal of creating a more equitable and prosperous future for humanity.

Eschatology research: Sprute conducts research in the field of eschatology, exploring the intersection of end times theology and new age technologies. His work in this area may offer unique insights into the potential implications of advanced technologies for humanity's future.

Investment consulting: As a global actuary investment authority consultant, Sprute provides expert guidance on investment strategies, risk management, and financial analysis, helping clients make informed decisions and navigate complex financial landscapes.

Kirlianography: While not directly mentioned in the sources, the kirlianography.com website offers resources and services related to Kirlian photography. If Sprute is involved in this domain, his contributions may include advancing the understanding and application of Kirlian photography as a tool for exploring the electromagnetic energy surrounding objects and potentially gaining insights into well-being.

Overall, Joseph A. Sprute's contributions span a diverse range of domains, reflecting his interdisciplinary approach to addressing complex challenges and driving innovation through the development and application of new age technologies.

JAS Pi.ai LLM (What-IS: Copy & Paste)

To achieve the goal of advancing Bio-Electric Signature Time (BEST) as part of the ERES Institute's focus on New Age Cybernetics, the following next steps are proposed:

Research and Development: Invest in ongoing research to deepen understanding of the bio-electric signatures associated with various cognitive, emotional, and physiological states. This research should explore the potential applications of BEST in areas such as health monitoring, human-machine interaction, and personalized medicine.

Technology Integration: Develop hardware and software solutions that enable the seamless integration of BEST data into existing and emerging technologies, such as wearables, smart devices, and virtual/augmented reality systems.

Data Analysis and Modeling: Utilize advanced data analysis and machine learning techniques to identify patterns and correlations in BEST data, with the goal of developing predictive models and personalized interventions based on individual bio-electric signatures.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Form strategic partnerships with academic institutions, industry leaders, and other organizations to advance the development and application of BEST. These collaborations could include joint research projects, technology licensing agreements, or shared resources and infrastructure.

Regulatory Engagement: Engage with regulatory bodies to ensure that BEST technologies and applications adhere to relevant safety, privacy, and ethical standards. This may involve advocating for new guidelines or best practices specific to bio-electric data and its applications.

Public Awareness and Education: Develop educational resources and outreach initiatives to raise public awareness of BEST and its potential benefits. This could include workshops, webinars, conferences, or online courses aimed at both general audiences and domain-specific professionals.

Commercialization: Explore potential commercial applications of BEST technologies and develop business models that enable their sustainable deployment and scaling. This could involve creating spin-off companies, licensing intellectual property, or pursuing public-private partnerships to bring BEST innovations to market.

By pursuing these next steps, the ERES Institute can continue to advance the field of New Age Cybernetics through the development and application of Bio-Electric Signature Time, ultimately contributing to improved human health, well-being, and performance.


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